
Ken Stange is a writer, visual artist, occasional scientific researcher, and Professor Emeritus at Nipissing University, where he taught psychology for forty years, including a course on the Psychology of Art, which he is currently teaching online. He works in many forms and likes to mix his media.  His literary works include poetry, fiction, arts journalism, scientific research reports, computer programs, philosophical essays, a weekly blog about interesting ideas, literally hundreds of periodical publications, and 14 books.

As a visual arist interested in the interface between the visual and literary arts, as well as the boundary between science and art, the computer seemed the perfect medium with which to explore these colourful 'gray' areas. So his visual art always contains textual elements.

He started creating digital art back In the 1980’s, when the personal computer revolution began.  He always works in series of varying lengths, which he numbers and calls “Constructions”.

This gallery contains early works: Constructions 1 through 23. Posting of the remainder of his early works is planned for the near future. Recent work can be found here.

His digital artworks are collaged together from digital photographs, mathematical experiments with such things as fractals, free-hand (or rather ‘free-mouse’) drawing, and image manipulation tools—with the textual element as a sort of glue.

They are then individualized when creating hardcopy works by running monoprints, each of which is made unique by carefully varying some feature of the original digital image for the printing process.  He has had numerous juried and curated exhibitions of his prints, and his work is represented in numerous public and private collections.

His home page is: KenStange.com

© Ken Stange 2014