Current Ideas


Most of what we think we know (not counting memories or experience) is not learned in school. A large percentage of that ‘knowledge’ is obtained from reading, which is why reading is such an essential skill. One reasonable way of sorting reading is fiction, non-fiction, and opinion.  The one thing essential to all categories is the quality of the writing. Of course, there is so much that is well written, it is helpful to read what is recommended by those whose taste you respect. (Personal disclosure: I love these writers.)

It is easy to sort books into this category, unlike the other two categories. James Lee Burke is an excellent writer of ‘detective’ fiction that includes such a rich and accurate description of the New Orleans area that isn’t fictional.

Included here would be all books intended to be instructional such as travel information books, cookbooks, and self-help or “how-to” books. It also would include books about some topic such as science, history, or biography. Stefan Zweig is a writer most often associated with his insightful biographies of Mary Queen of Scotland, Freud, Balzac,CasanovaStendhalTolstoy, and Nietzsche—although his fiction is again getting the attention it deserves.

This category would include opinion pieces such as editorials, autobiographies, reviews, and most blogs. Christopher Hitchens is one wonderful contrarian and polymath that is a delight to read, even if you don’t agree with all his opinions.

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